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40€ 2210€
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1 Ducat
1 Gulden
1 Thaler
1/2 Gulden
1/2 Thaler
10 Mark
2 Mark
2 Thaler
2 Vereinsthalers
2/3 de thaler
20 Mark
3 Mark
5 Francs
5 Mark
5 lei
Germany - Baden - 10 marks - Frédéric Ier - 1876SAXE - Auguste Ier - Thaler - 1565Germania Elettorato di Baviera Massimiliano II Giuseppe 1 Thaler 1776Allemagne - Brunswick 20 Mark Or Guillaume Duc De Brunswick 1875 Berlin n°2Deutchland 20 Mark Guillaume II 1897 FPrusse - 5 mark Wilhelm the 1st - 1877 FrancfortAllemagne 10 Mark Guillaume II 1898 StuttgartAllemagne 10 Mark Guillaume II 1898 StuttgartAllemagne 10 Mark Guillaume II 1893 StuttgartWurtemberg - 10 Mark Charles 1er 1872 StuttgartKindgom of Saxony - 10 mark Albert - 1881 DresdeALLEMAGNE - Bade - 5 mark - 1900Germania 20 Marco 1913 AmburgoWilhelm II 10 Mark 1903 BerlinGermany - Baden - 10 marks - Frederick I - 1875Germania 20 Marco 1913 AmburgoGermany 10 Mark 1876 Ludwig III DarmstadtGermany Wilhelm II 10 Mark 1912 BerlinAllemagne William II 10 Mark 1872 BerlinAllemagne William II 10 Mark 1873 BerlinGermany 20 Mark 1893 HamburgGermany 20 Mark 1893 HamburgGermany 20 Mark 1893 HamburgGermany 20 Mark 1884 HamburgWilhelm II 20 Mark 1913 BerlinGermany 20 Mark 1913 HamburgGermany 20 Mark 1878 HamburgWilhelm II 20 Mark 1897 StuttgartSaxony John V 2 Thaler 1861 DresdenSaxony John V 2 Thaler 1861 DresdenGermany-Prussia Wilhelm II 5 mark 1893 BerlinGreat duchy of Mecklembourg Schwerin - 10 mark Friedrich Franz II 1878 BerlinMainz 1 Gulden Dietrich 1st Schenk Von Erbach 1434-1459Germany Duchy of Hesse Ludwig III 5 mark 1876 DarmstadtGermany-Württemberg-Karl I 5 Mark 1876 StuttgartGermany-Württemberg-Karl I 5 Mark 1876 StuttgartGermany-Württemberg-Karl I 5 Mark 1876 StuttgartGermany-Württemberg-Karl I 5 Mark 1876 StuttgartGermany-Württemberg-Karl I 5 Mark 1876 StuttgartGermany-Württemberg-Karl I 5 Mark 1876 StuttgartGermany-Württemberg-Karl I 5 Mark 1876 StuttgartGermany-Württemberg-Karl I 5 Mark 1876 StuttgartGermany Free City of Hamburg 5 Mark 1876Germany Free City of Hamburg 5 Mark 1876Germany Free City of Hamburg 5 Mark 1876Germany Free City of Hamburg 5 Mark 1876Germany Kingdom of Bavaria Ludwig II 5 Mark 1874 MunichGermany Grand Duchy of Baden-Baden Friedrich I 5 Mark 1876 Karlsruhe type B DEN (with A without bar)Germany Grand Duchy of Baden-Baden Friedrich I 5 Mark 1876 Karlsruhe type B DEN (with A without bar)Germany Grand Duchy of Baden-Baden Friedrich I 5 Mark 1876 Karlsruhe type B DEN (with A without bar)Germany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1876 HanoverGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1876 HanoverGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1875 HanoverGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1875 HanoverAllemagne Royaume de Prusse Wilhelm 5 Mark 1876 BerlinAllemagne Royaume de Prusse Wilhelm 5 Mark 1876 BerlinAllemagne Royaume de Prusse Wilhelm 5 Mark 1876 BerlinGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1874 BerlinGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1874 BerlinGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1875 BerlinGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1875 BerlinGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1876 BerlinGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1874 BerlinGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1874 BerlinGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1875 BerlinGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1876 BerlinGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1876 BerlinGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1876 HanoverGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1876 HanoverGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1875 HanoverGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1876 HanoverGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1876 HanoverGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1875 HanoverGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1876 Frankfurt am MainGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1876 BerlinGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1876 HanoverGermany Kingdom of Saxony Albert I 5 Mark 1875 MuldenhüttenGermany Kingdom of Saxony Albert I 5 Mark 1876 MuldenhüttenGermany Grand Duchy of Baden-Baden Friedrich I 5 Mark 1875 KarlsruheGermany Grand Duchy of Baden-Baden Friedrich I 5 Mark 1875 KarlsruheGermany Grand Duchy of Baden-Baden Friedrich I 5 Mark 1875 Karlsruhe type B DEN (with A without bar)Germany Grand Duchy of Baden-Baden Friedrich I 5 Mark 1876 KarlsruheGermany Grand Duchy of Baden-Baden Friedrich I 5 Mark 1876 KarlsruheGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1875 BerlinAllemagne Royaume de Prusse Wilhelm II 5 Mark 1903 StuttgartGermany-Württemberg-Karl I 5 Mark 1876 StuttgartGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm II 5 Mark 1899 BerlinGermany Kingdom of Bayern - 5 Mark Otto Koenig - 1908 MunichGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1913 BerlinGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm 5 Mark 1876 BerlinWilhelm II 10 Mark 1903 BerlinGermany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm II 5 Mark 1903 BerlinGermany 20 Mark 1913 HamburgGermany Free City of Hamburg 5 Mark 1901Germany- City of Frankfurt 2 thaler 1866Germany 1 thaler Frederick I 1810 WürttembergGermany Principality of Schwarzburg 1 thaler Frédéric-Gonthier 1813Germania 20 Marco 1878 AmburgoGermany Free City of Hamburg 5 Mark 1903Germany Kingdom of Prussia Wilhelm II 5 Mark 1913 BerlinGermany-Prussia Wilhelm II 5 mark 1898 BerlinGermany- City of Frankfurt 2 marks 1860Germany-Prussia Wilhelm II 5 mark 1900 BerlinKingdom of Prussia- 2 Vereinsthaler Friedrich Wilhelm IV 1859Germany Kingdom of Saxony Albert I 5 Mark 1898 MuldenhüttenWilhelm II 10 Mark 1898 BerlinAllemagne William II 10 Mark 1873 BerlinGermany Wilhelm I 10 Mark 1877 BerlinGermany-Ludwig II-10 Mark 1876 MunichGermany-Ludwig II-10 Mark 1875 MunichGermany Kingdom of Bayern - 10 Mark Otto Koenig - 1906 MunichAllemagne Friedrich I Duché de Bade 10 Mark 1878 KarlsruheGermany-Württemberg Wilhelm II 5 mark 1907 StuttgartGermany Kingdom of Bayern - 10 Mark Otto Koenig - 1896 MunichGermany Kingdom of Bayern - 10 Mark Otto Koenig - 1888 MunichGermany Kingdom of Bayern - 10 Mark Otto Koenig - 1890 MunichGermany 10 Mark 1875 HamburgWurtemberg - 10 Mark Charles 1er 1873 StuttgartWurtemberg - 10 Mark Charles 1er 1879 StuttgartGermany 10 Mark 1873 Ludwig III HessenGermany-Ludwig II-10 Mark 1878 MunichGermany - Baden - 10 marks - Frederick I - 1897Germany - Baden - 10 marks - Frederick I - 1876Germany-20 brand Albert I of Saxony 1894 DresdenGermany-1 Gulden Leopold I Grand Duke of Baden-1843 KarlsruheKingdom of Prussia 20 Mark Wilhelm the 2nd 1913 BerlinKingdom of Prussia 5 mark Wilhelm the 1st 1877 BerlinKingdom of Prussia 10 Mark Wilhelm the 1st 1875 Berlin