Peso | 3.49 grammi |
Purezza | 1000 ‰ |
Diametro | 26 mm |
Anno | 1423 |
Periodo | Royale française |
Laboratorio | Rouen |
Valore nominale | salut d'Or |
Stato di conservazione | TTB/SUP |
Metallo | Oro |
Tranche | Liscio |
Asse d'angolo | 3 |
Autorità politica | Henry VI de Lancastre (1422-1453) |

Venduto il 13/04/2023 a 5 500.00€
Perizia di eperto
Magnificent copy of one of the medieval coins considered as the most beautiful, it reminds by the quality of its engraving a page of illumination. Moreover, it is a coin of the end of the Hundred Years War of Henry VI, uniting the crowns of France and England following the treaty of Troyes.
Coin from the cabinet of Emile Bourgey
Description: The archangel Gabriel visiting the Virgin in front of the shields of France and England, the archangel holds a scroll with the inscription "AVE".
Caption: HENRICVS: DEI: GRA: FRACORV: Z: AGLIE: REX. (Henry, by the grace of God, king of the Franks and the English).
Description: Cross with a fleur-de-lys and a leopard, all in a fleurdelisé decalobe
Legend: XPC'* VINCIT* XPC'* REGNAT* XPC'* IMPERAT, (Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands).