Peso | 2.46 grammi |
Purezza | 958 ‰ |
Diametro | 25 mm |
Periodo | Royale française |
Valore nominale | Agnel d'or |
Stato di conservazione | TTB |
Metallo | Oro |
Asse d'angolo | 11 |
Autorità politica | Charles VI (1380-1422) |

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Coin from the cabinet of Emile Bourgey in its original pouch.The agnel was created on May 10, 1417. October 21 of the same year saw the launch of the production of a gold agnel with reduced taffy.
Description: Pascal's lamb on the left in front of a wired voice and a swell (a kind of banner) all in a polylobe at his feet K F R X (Charles king of the Franks)
Legend: + AGN: DEI: QV[I TOLL':] PECAT: MVDI: MISE: NOBIS, (Charles, king of the Franks; lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us).
Description: Trifoliate cross within a quatrefoil angle flanked by fleur-de-lis
Legend: + XPC'* VINCIT* XPC'* REGNAT* XPC* I[NPE}RAT, (Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands).
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